Ammissioni e iscrizioni
Orario delle lezioni
Calendario Accademico
Diritto allo studio
Obblighi Formativi Aggiuntivi (OFA)
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Trasferimenti e passaggi di corso
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Certificati e pergamene
Dual Career studente-atleta
Carriera Alias
Modulistica per gli studenti
Bacheca corsi di studio
Pratiche Studenti
Sedute di Laurea
Manifesto degli Studi
Alias Career
With the aim of pursuing the objectives of equal opportunities, enhancement of the well-being of workers and students, countering of gender discrimination and in compliance with the rules and regulations in force, the University of Calabria has established some specific measure to protect transgender people and those individuals who are experiencing an inconsistency between biological sex and gender identity.
The provision of Alias Career, allows transgender people enrolled in the University of Calabria, to adopt a temporary identity that is transient and cannot be consolidated, which is the expression of their elected gender.
This process can be activated by all the students enrolled in degree courses, bachelor degree courses, master’s degree courses, first and second level Master’s degree programs, and PhD courses, who are experiencing an inconsistency between biological sex and gender identity and are willing to adopt an elected gender that is the expression of their self-determination.
The following leading figures have been appointed for the management of Alias Careers:
- an academic interface: a professor appointed by the Rector that supports applicants in their alias process during their university career;
- an administrative interface: a member of the staff, appointed by the Director General that is designated to manage the administrative procedure of “alias careers”.
Applicants can lodge their applications at any time after their matriculation.
Activation procedure
- submit of the application made on the standard form in Annex 1, together with a valid identity document
- sign a Confidentiality Agreement between the Rector and the Applicant (see Annex 2). This agreement will be in force from the subscription date and be immediately terminated when the conditions justifying the agreement are no longer valid.